Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

The Mummy was point-blank horrible. They made it completely unrelated to the previous films , and made it so the bad guy was an all-powerful being who was stupid, and got himself stabbed through the heart, with a broken blade non the less.

It was really cheesy in a bad way, and only gave the audience a few laughs.

It was an all-around disappointment, who's apparent audience is directed at the poor 5 and 6 year olds who haven't seen the first two mummy's.

I personally disliked this movie, I rate it **(2 stars)

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Omega Man

The origanal version of I AM LEGEND, has a really good story, and when I saw it on Blue Ray(my PS3, whicheveryone should own) I did not remember it's opening scene. Turns out, LEGEND almost copied it exactly, except that in the Omega Man, the guy dosen't have a dog and he's not Will Smith.

But the other thing I didn't rememer(thank god), was it's HORRRRRRIBLE sound track. It has the worst bloody sound track I had ever heard, and I loved it!!! It made the movie even cheseier(which I love) than before, while giving it a sort of 70s/80s style!

I personally loved it, and I give it a ****(4 stars)


I saw this amazing film, exactly one minute after mid-night, at it's first showing. It is truely an incredible film. They could have chosen a better actor for Bruce Banner, but on the bright side, they had some of the really good scenes that they did not put into the fist HULK. The best of these are the showing of the friendly giant, and the fact that they put in, THE ABOMINATION, the HULK's arch nemisis from the comics. They also hint tword a sequile when they show the begining of THE LEADER, another great enemy from the comics.

They also hinted twords both, a CAPTAIN AMERICA movie, and an AVENGERS movie. I am also glad that they are apparently keeping Dowey Jr. for IRON-MAN in the AVENGERS. And another great thing is that the AVENGERS origanally got together to capture the HULK, so hopefully they will keep all the same actors for AVENGERS. I also hope that they add both THOR and WASP to the mix of live action MARVEL movies.

Stan just gets better and better. From saving kids to being the maker of PlayBoy to being chemicly attacked by his favorite Mexican drink. Every time Stan Lee steps on stage, it gets better and better.

I would definately recamend this to ANYONE and EVERYONE who can see Pg-13, I'm not saying ages for this one, because there were some REALLY violent/ mildly bloody parts.

It was awsome, and I rate it a good strong ****(4 stars)

Have a nice day/night!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


TRON is one of my oldest and more favored of all the movies I have ever seen. It had a great cast, and I can only say I was disapointed that they never went through with the movie TRON 2.0.

It was definatley a great movie, and approved for all ages too.

I give this *****(5 stars)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


IRON-MAN is probrably one of the best movies I have ever seen. I loved the grafics, and the actor for IRON-MAN is the best they could ever have found. Tony Stark(IRON-MAN)in the comics, is a recovering alcoholic, so Robert Downey Jr. was perfect for the job.

I thought it was a great movie, but it could have been a little bit truer to the comics by puting in one of his major comic book enemies. They could have held off on the telling of his identity till the sequel, that I hope they make.

I rate this ****(4 stars)

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I am a really hard critic, when it comes to Action and Scince-Fiction movies and litiature. And I loved this movie. I think it's the best movie I've seen since Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope. Which, by the way, was my favorite movie of all time. I would definatly recemend this movie to anyone who does not freak out and/or cry when they see something mildley creepy(most people 12 and above).

I rate this ***** (5 stars)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Super Hero Movie

For all you comic book fans out there(especially the Spidey fans), every-one will love this movie. I'm a comic book fan, and I love this movie. It is appropriate for all ages(12 and above), and it's even funnier the older you are! I rate this ***(3 stars)